teacher's day



start the majlis till the end of our performance, aku busy gila. i felt like fainting jalan sana sini dengan perut kosong. datang sekolah kena turunkan all the music instrument, lepas tu practice. then kena cari insyirah and exco prefect discussed about penyampaian hadiah without hurt teachers' feeling again. when the teachers were having sesi bergambar and sukaneka, all the students masuk dewan tanpa izin. yang menghalau diorang, aten zainal lah. penat gila. aku rasa macam all-out buat kerja gila vavi part menghalau sebab pusing satu dewan. after the performance, barulah free. masa perform i don't why aku tak nervous langsung padahal first time naik stage, maybe it's true i am definitely heartless. with angin kuatnya, i felt like flying. there were four or five form two girls came and asked me to play guitar and sang a song to them sambil tu record. macam artis :3 sempat lagi tengok syafiq main guitar mcm pemuzik jalanan haha and sempat juga cakap kat akmal kuat kuat esok hari wesak. actually tomorrow is his birthday haha :D he was smiling at me with his superb sweet smile  sebab aku sakat dia hehe. then hantar adik balik rumah, came back to schl clear the stage. before balik sembang dengan alan about people around us, showing off my sarung tangan naruto to everyone yang tengah lepak and record video hazim dalam kereta sorong. everything was fine overall. and i am soo tired.

i am the first girl guitarist in the school *glad